Thursday, March 5, 2009

Why no TV ?

I have ranted about TV elsewhere, but will repeat the short version here too. There is only one thing that you really NEED to do about TV, and that is: SHUT IF OFF.

What's on TV is not called "program" for no reason - it is what is programming you to be the little goose-stepping Nazi the government wishes you to be. Television tells you what to like and what to dislike, what to buy and what to read, what to believe and what to question... It is the biggest brain washer you can imagine, so stay away from it.

Not watching TV will also free up a tremendous amount of time that you do not need to spend either watching it or talking with other people about what you watched, so you can actually get something productive done instead.

You want information ? Buy a few newspapers, or look online. You want entertainment ? Read a book, go outside and listen to the birds, or ask your grandma to tell you about her childhood. You are too tired to read or do anything much ? Go to bed. But don't subject yourself to that mind numbing machine. It will ruin you for any clear thought.

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